Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Bhopal
CS / EI / BM-303
Digital Circuit And System (DCS)
Q.1 (a) (i) using 9's complements subtract (63458-3354) [4](ii) Express decimal 5280 in excess-3 code . [4]
(b) Minimize the following switching functions using the Karnaugh map.List all prime implicants and essential prime implicants :[12]
F(x1,x2,x3,x4) = (0,1,2,3,6,7,9,13,14,15 )
Q.2 (a) Minimize the following fuctions using the Quine McCluskey method : [14]
F(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) = (0,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,14,17,18,21,29,31) + d(11,20,22)
(b) Convert the following : [6]
- (0.513)10 to octal
- (673.124)8 to Binary
- (1010.01101)2 to Decimal
F(w,x,y,z) = (1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15)
(b) Design a parity generator to generate an odd parity bit for 4-bit word.Use NAND gates only. [10]
Q.4 (a) Design a Full-Adder with two Half Adders and an OR gate ? [9]
(b) Design a BCD to Excess-3 code converter using the minimum number of NAND gates ? [11]
Q.5 (a) Explain the operation of monostable multivibrator with the help of necessary diagram and waveforms.Describe the applications of it. [12]
(b) Determine the frequency of oscillation for the free running multivibrator circuit shown below.It is given that RA=RB=1Kohm and C=1000pF.Also calculate the Duty Cycle.[8]
Q.6 (a) How many Flip-Flops are required to construct a MOD-128 Counter ?A MOD-32 ? What is the largest decimal number that can be stored in a MOD-64 Counter ? [5]
(b) What modulus counters can be constructed with the use of four flip-flops ? [5]
(c) Design a 4-Bit Johnson Counter ? [10]
Q.7 (a) Describe the successive approximation A/D converter with the help of necessary diagram and waveforms ? [10]
(b) For a 5-bit resistive divider determine the following : [10]
- The weight assigned to the LSB.
- The weight assigned to the second and third LSB.
- The change in Output voltage due to a change in the LSB the second LSB and third LSB .
- The output voltage for a digital output of 10101 Assume 0= 0V and 1= +10 V
- Sample and Hold Circuit
- 2-bit simultaneous A/D converter