Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Bhopal
B.E. (5th Semester) Exam,Dec-2011
(Information Technology  Engg. Branch)
Time : Three Hours   Max Marks : 100  Min Pass Marks : 35
Note: Attempt one question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What is the difference between connection oriented communication & connectionless communication?Explain the types of service.What are service primitives ? 10
    (b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having international standards for network protocols? 10
2. (a) What is the difference between confirmed service and unconfirmed service ? For each of the following, tell whether it might be a confirmed service and unconfirmed service both or neither 10
  1. Data transmission
  2. Connection release
  3. Connection establishment
    (b) Explain the following : 10
  1. Virtual terminal protocol
  2. Negotiation in discussing network protocol 
3. (a) Explain the framing methods in data link layer. Which one of these uses code violations to mark frame boundaries ?  10
    (b) A channel has a bit rate of 4 kbps and propagation delay of 20 m sec. For what range of frame sizes does stop and wait give an efficiency of at least 50% ?  10
4. (a) If the bit string 0111101111101111110 is subjected to bit stuffing, what is the output of string ?  5
     (b) For P = 110011 and M = 11100011, find the CRC. 5
     (c) Consider the use of 1000 bit frames on a 1 Mbps satellite channel with 270 ms delay. What is the maximum link utilization for : 10
  1. Stop and wait flow control.
  2. Continuous flow control with window size 7.
  3. Continuous flow control with window size 1277. 
5. (a) Compare the capacity allocation schemes for IEEE 8025 token ring and FDDI. What are the relative pros and cons? 10
    (b) Explain persistent and non-persistent CSMA. 10
6. (a) Explain CSMA/CD protocol. Also discuss about collision free protocols. 10
     (b) For a token ring, LAN, suppose that the destination station removes the data frame and immediately sends a short acknowledgement frame to the sender, rather than letting the original frame return to sender. How will this affect performance ?  10
7. (a) Explain the two classes of routing algorithms :10
  1. Adaptive algorithms
  2. Non-adaptive algorithm
  3. Discuss about multipath routing. 
     (b)Explain OSI connection oriented network service primitives. 10
8. (a) Compare virtual circuit and datagram with in a subnet. 10
    (b) What is the difference, if any, between static routing using two equally weighted alternatives and selective flooding using only the two best paths ? Justify your answer. 10
9. (a) Explain the issue of addressing, multiplexing and flow control in connection oriented transport protocol mechanisms.10 
    (b) Why is UDP needed ? Why can't user program directly access IP?10
10. (a) Compare TCP and OSI Class 4 transport protocol. 1 
       (b) Write notes on the configuration of the following Networking devices :  10
  1. Switches
  2. Bridges
  3. Hubs
  4. Gateway


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