tags:- rgpv ece voice communication syllabus, rgpv ece 5th sem voice communication syllabus, rgpv ece 5th sem electonics and communication syllabus, rgpv ec 5th sem voice communication syllabus, rgpv ece voice communication syllabus , rgpv ece 5th sem voice com syllabus
Rajiv Gandhi Technological University,Bhopal(MP)
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engg. Semester :-V
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination
Effective from July 2010
Unit I
Basic Telephony : Introduction, standard telephone set, function, local loop, block diagram, basic call procedure, callprogress tones and signals, cordless telephones, caller identification, electronic telephones, telephone circuit - localsubscriber loop, channel noise and units of power measurements, transmission parameters, voice frequency circuitarrangements, crosstalk.
Unit II
Public telephone network: Introduction, transmission system environment, public telephone network, instruments, local loops, trunk circuits, telephone exchanges - local exchanges, automated central office switches and exchanges,telephone numbering plan, telephone services, telephone switching hierarchy, common channel signaling systemevolutionof SS7, signaling points, call setup, Multiplexing of telephone channels - frequency division multiplexing,FDM hierarchy, composite base-band signals, formation of groups, super groups, master groups and radio channel,wavelength division multiplexing.
Traffic analysis: traffic characterization and measurement, arrival and holding time distributions, loss systems, lostcall estimation, network blocking probabilities
Unit III
Digital telephony: Introduction, advantages and disadvantages of digital voice network, voice digitization, time division multiplexing of PCM signals, digital carrier, Super-frame TDM format, Fractional T Carrier Service, Digitalhierarchy, Master Group and Commercial TV, Picture Phone Terminal, Data Terminal, Digital Carrier Line Encoding,Duty Cycle,Bandwidth Requirement, Clock and Framing Bit Recovery, Error Detection, T Carrier System, T-CarrierSystem,Statistical TDM, Codec and Combo Chips.
Unit IV
Digital transmission: Introduction, digital data and digital signal, pulse transmission, inter-symbol, interference,synchronous and asynchronous transmission, line coding – level encoding, bipolar coding, Code Space redundancy,N zero substitution, Pair Selected ternary, Ternary coding, digital bi-phase, differential encoding, coded markinversion, multilevel signaling, partial response signaling, error performance, performance monitoring, time divisionmultiplexing - Bit vs Word Interleaving, framing, TDM loops and rings.
Unit V
Digital switching: Switching function, space division switching, multistage switching, non-blocking switches, blockingprobabilities, four wire switches, switch matrix control, time division switching – analog and digital, two dimensionalswitching, multi stage time and space switching, STS and TST switching, digital cross connect systems, digital switching in analog environment.